Jared MacDonald is a Marine veteran, who served in Desert Storm. He also served in the United States Coast Guard, and for this story he is in his 17th year with the Bourne Police Department. Jared is a husband, father, grandfather and is one of the many quiet heroes who protect our communities around the country.
It is exactly midnight on the morning of February 5th, 2015. Jared reports for his shift’s roll call. He is one of 4 officers who will be on patrol this Thursday morning. The officers go out to their designated patrol areas and the shift begins. The first two hours are fairly quiet, when a call comes in for a car fire. This call didn’t do much for Jared, and this frustrates him. The call was not in his area and one of the department’s policies was not to leave your area unless directed. Jared was near the Sagamore bridge McDonalds complex as the first officer reports he is on scene. The description of the car fire begins to peak his interests and he decides to work towards the area. His car is not lit up, and he is casually patrolling that portion of his assigned area. His shift officer contacts Jared and advises him to do the same. Shortly after, another report will drastically change the early morning patrol.
The next call is a report of possible shots fired from a victim in the same area as the car fire. Jared, and several other officers are now speeding towards the reported area. Jared arrives and relies on his training to safely secure the intersection of Clay Pond and Roundhosue Rd. He parks his car blocking the one entrance to Roundhouse Rd. The burning car is visible as he walks with his rifle in hand toward the scene. The first officer on scene begins to brief Jared as the fire department stands by. They have not begun to extinguish the fire because there is a suspicious box with wires placed near the hydrant. As the senior officer on shift, Jared takes control and moves the fire truck and firefighters back. All four officers are now on scene and they begin to develop a plan.
A BPD Sargent arrives and establishes command center with state police and fire department. More details begin to come in and they now know the specific unit number where the shooting is reported. The complex is large and like most condo numbers they can be confusing. It is clear that the burning car was purposely positioned and that this is a very serious evolving situation. The temperature was around freezing and there is three feet of snow on the ground. It is pitch-black dark in the early morning hours and there is a potential ambush waiting for these 4 officers as they begin to approach the scene. With a report of shots fired and potential loss of life these officers have no other choice, but to proceed. The men split up in to 2 man teams and use the wooded areas to the left and right of the road as cover.
As Jared and Andrew, the first officer on scene, tactically maneuver through the woods they quickly approach the first two buildings of the complex. They have to individually clear each condo so they can ensure their safety and the safety of the residents before they can make it to the unit where the call originated. The circumstances surrounding this night have them on high guard as Jared covers his partner going from porch to porch. As they approach the last unit a resident exits his unit and alerts Jared where the shooting came from. The civilian is instructed to go into his unit and turn off all the lights. Jared and Andrew are slightly exposed and they being to develop their next action.
The second team is at slightly higher ground near a gazeebo in the complex where they can provide more visual coverage. Jared and Andrew move between the buildings and down into a parking lot between the resident’s vehicles. From here the plan is for Jared to move across the parking lot and the street behind a dumpster. Andrew is to remain behind the vehicle. As Jared took his second step (in a tactical posture, exposing his back below his vest) away from the parked car multiple shots echo through the complex. He recalls “falling right on his ass”. He knew he was hit. The next few seconds began with confusion and shock, which led to extreme pain. He drags himself back behind the car and begins to understand that he has no use of his leg. Officer Macdonald grabs his radio and says “Shots fired! Shots fired! I’ve been hit!”
As the next few moments pass Jared has holstered his weapon and begins to feel the extremely cold temperatures. As he left his vehicle earlier he decided to leave his heavy jacket so that he could move more freely. The adrenalin from the initial pursuit has left his body as it reacts to the gun-shot wound. Back-up has now arrived and a state trooper begins to administer first aide. Jared doesn’t know where he was shot, and the trooper wasn’t able to locate the wound either. Officers begin to pursue Adrian Loya, the shooter, which quickly results in a successful arrest. Jared is ready to be helped towards the ambulance, which is hundreds of yards away due to the burning car and the suspicious devices.
The damage done at one of the units in the complex is more than disturbing. There is loss of life and severe injuries to another. The timeline of those tragic events will continue to unfold as Jared is carried by two men for crucial medical attention. The shooter is 31 year-old Adrian Loya. His two victims are Lisa Trubnikova and Anna Trubnikova. Lisa would be pronounced dead at the scene, while Anna will recover from her injuries.
As he is now with the paramedics they are able to cut away his clothing and locate the entry wound. There is no sign of an exit wound and Jared is quickly on board a Med-flight to Providence Hospital in Rhode Island. Before he leaves he asks his good friend Rich to be the first one to tell his wife what is happening. Jared arrives at the hospital in good spirits and is fairly calm. He signs surgery consent forms and is immediately prepped and into surgery.